Thursday, September 9, 2010


This summer my kids have loved having "slushie parties" Zoe calls them smushies!
The other night they were begging for me to make them a smush (we haven't done them in a couple of weeks) so I said o.k. However it was colder and it was harder to finish them. I guess they are a hot weather kind-of treat:)

Don't you just love Zoe's headband! It's actually the handle to one of the buckets out of the sand box:) Very creative little girl I've got there.

Keira always wants blueberry! And then she'll go around and sample everyone's flavors.

No complaints here!

Jared missed most of our slushie parties this summer because he was gone so much! In fact the kids think we can only have them when Grandpa, Grandma and Morgan are here.
Oh summer I'm gonna miss you........


  1. Today definitely was a reminder that summer is fading quickly! It was cold! We had a hot chocolate party tonight- haha. I Love your cute kiddos... :)

  2. Thanks Jenna. You've got yourself some cute kiddos too! Hot chocolate parties is a really great idea. We might have to try that:)
