Monday, November 30, 2009

We Gobbled 'till we Wobbled!!!

Thanksgiving was fun this year. We went to Mom's house with Brother Jared and his family. Mom made tons of good food as always. The kids had fun playing together. Especially the boys with Morgan's play station. I even played guitar hero and Jordan informed me that I sucked really bad!! The kids played play station. The girls made a mess of Grandma's books and the adults watched a movie and let all that food settle.
Keira was so tired before dinner she had to have a little snooze.

Yummy, yummy for your tummy Jared and Morgan.

Family feast. Mom gave little goodie bags to everyone. The kids loved these. I loved the chocolate in mine!

Giggly girlies. Jordan and Zoe.

The girls did really good this year. They can pretty much feed themselves now. The both like turkey. And Zoe really liked the salad Jordan helped her mom make.

Zachary had his usual roll, cheese, cucumber and mashed potatoes with no gravy. One day I'm sure he'll decide to try some turkey.


  1. That is Morgan in that picture!!! Holy cow, he is so grown up! That really ages me...I remember when he was born!

  2. Ha, Ha. That's funny. He'll be sixteen on January 20!!! He's a hottie. High school basketball here we go again. But I refuse to be old. Even though he makes me feel 30 all the time!!!!
